#chef saltbaker x reader
biostris · 6 months
Hope this isn't too dark but can I get some angst with saltbaker who has a s/o who is incredibly sick and on the verge of death?
A/N: YES, god I’m going through these and a lot of them are yall being horny little shits so this is actually fueling my empty brain, and I have nothing but an 8 hour flight and a 4 hour lay over to sit through so this works. This will not be drafted this is just straight fucking RAW, GN pronouns.
:Chef Saltbaker x Reader:
In health and in sickness.
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No one had seen it coming, no one even knew what it was. All anyone knew on the Isle was that (Y/n) was deathly sick, Saltbaker was working overtime, and time was running out. The bakery was empty, Saltbaker felt nothing but worry and anger as he ran his thumb under a price. A simply ludicrous price. One that he needed to pay to keep you alive.
“Damn it..” he muttered, a hand running down his glassy face as a scowl made its way onto it. How could this happen, how could this happen to you? Everyone had been showing their support, buying when they can but it would never be enough. He felt like he was failing you. A familiar ding echoed from the front of the shop and he was able to pull himself out of his wallowing to plaster on a smile long enough to appease the masses.
“Welcome, Welcome! What can I get you?” He immediately asked, his smile fading once he realized it was Esther Winchester. The cowgirl had her hat over her chest, looking at him with much sympathy and sorrow. “What happened.” He demanded, voice frantic but not angry.
The lass with a lasso paused. “I know you want to work, to try and prevent the end from coming too soon..” she began. Starting to walk over behind the counter and put a hand on Saltbakers shoulder. “But I think it’s high time you hang up your hat and go home to them.” She squeezed his shoulder and offered a sympathetic glance. Saltbakers Heart dropped, he swallowed thickly as he felt him self go pale. Mouth beginning to dry.
“I..” he choked, holding back a sob. “I can’t.” He admitted as he ran a hand to the back of his neck. Falling back on a wooden stool. “If I quit here, (y/n) won’t have enough money for their meds. And if they don’t have enough money for their meds then I fail them.” He bit back tears. Practically fighting them off with ever inch of willpower he saved for himself.
Esther snorted, her brows furrowing and lips twisting into a scowl. “Ya ain’t!” She shouted. “Yer not a failure, they appreciate every second you spend here. Every penny spent to keep them alive but damnit Baker!” Both of her hands grasped his shoulders and she gently shook them.
“They’re dyin, Baker..” her voice dropped. “There ain’t anything we can do now.” Saltbaker felt rage boil in his system but she had a point. One way or another the medicine would eventually stop, their body would grow tired and stop. He broke down in tears, the searing pain of his heart breaking spreading through his chest.
“What do i do..” he croaked, “you go home to them. You honor your vow.” Esther helped him up. Helping him pack up for the day. “In health and sickness.” She reminded him. Saltbaker paused at the door and fiddled with the ring on his finger for a moment. Tears still falling down his cheeks. He sucked in a big breath before slowly letting it out.
“You’re right,” he opened the door waving by to Esther. “I gotta get home.” And with that he was off. Walking the streets, dreading but also being excited to see them again. As he stepped inside their home he made his way to their room. The steady beeping of a monitor made his heart ache.
“You’re home!” (Y/n) croaked weakly, turning their head ever so slightly to see him. A frail smile on their dried lips. Saltbaker wanted to cry. No matter what anyone said he felt like a failure. He sucked in another breath of courage and quickly went to their side. “Yup, I’m home.” He took their hand in his and kissed it.
“How you feeling cupcake?” He asked as he caressed their cheek. Feeling the sheen of sweat sticking to their skin. “Like shit.” (Y/n) replied with a roll of their eyes. “But happy now that you’re here.” Saltbaker couldn’t help but laugh at their wit. He leaned down and kissed them. Lips in a delicate yet passionate dance as he poured all his love into it, dreading that it would be the last.
“I was thinking.” He began as he gently caressed their cheek bone with his thumb. “That we take that trip to the lake, like you wanted..” he watched as their eyes lit up, “really?” Asked (Y/n). Their subtle head tilt expressing their curiosity in volumes. He nodded and smiled.
“I’ve spent too long cooped up in my bakery. And I almost forgot the vow we made.” He took both their hands to his chest. Kissing their knuckles and arms, wrists and all. “That is be by your side in health, and in sickness.” His smile fell.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you. I just..” he winced, but (Y/n) knew. They always knew. They reached up and stroked his cheek weakly. Dry hands brushing against his smooth skin as they chuckled. “It’s ok. Let’s make the most of it now.”
Not all stories will have a happy ending, some are cut too short. But in their last few days (Y/n) had their husband. A nice view of the lake, and all the sweets they could stomach. And in their finals moments in Saltbakers arms, watching the sun rise on a new day. They knew, just like they always did, that everything would be ok.
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yanderes-of-inkwell · 2 years
Chef Saltbaker Yandere alphabet - Jealously, kisses and love letters.
Chef Saltbaker - J, K & L
Note: Finally decided to write for a DLC character and it feels great! Hope you enjoy your request, love! Word Count: 0.6k Warnings: Delusional mindsets, implied murder, jealousy, mentions of kidnapping, obsessive behaviour, paranoia, possessive behaviour. Prompts: Can be found here.
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Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes, and quite often, too. However, the reason for it and how he responds to it depends entirely on whether or not he’s been reformed.
Prior to his redemption, Saltbaker can become jealous of seemingly anyone and everyone that interacts with his darling. Be they strangers, acquaintances, friends, family, romantic rivals, it doesn’t matter; as long as they take up his darling’s time or divert their attention away from him, he can and will become jealous.
In most cases, he deals with it by simply grinning and bearing it, only to seethe in private later on. Jealousy is a most unbecoming thing for someone as cheerful and kind as him to feel, so he’s careful to mask it around his darling for fear of it driving them away. However, in cases where the person he’s jealous of poses an actual threat to his relationship with them, he’s not above disposing of them as swiftly as possible
As for post-redemption Saltbaker, his rampant jealousy stems not from general possessiveness, but fear. Even though he fully believes himself to have changed for the better, he worries that not everyone feels the same. Thus, whenever his darling interacts with someone else, he can’t help but fear that they’ll try to convince them to leave him.
The only thing able to ease his mind when this happens is his darling. In these instances, he allows them to see a much more vulnerable and unsure side of himself; a side which he usually suppresses. He all but begs them for comfort and reassurance, desperate to hear them promise that they’ll never leave him.
And if they don’t? He might just steal them away. At least that way they can stay with him forever, whether they want to or not.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Saltbaker’s behaviour around his darling is almost indistinguishable from his behaviour around everyone else, though that’s not to say there’s no difference in the way he behaves. The most obvious sign of his fondness for them doesn’t take the form of actions or words, but body language. His slightly wider smile, the higher pitch in his voice, the brighter light in his eyes, how he leans ever so slightly closer when speaking with them - all of these differences are extremely subtle and, to most, entirely invisible, but are very telling to anyone with a keen eye.
That being said, there is one major difference between how he treats his darling as opposed to others, though even the most observant person can miss it: prior to his redemption, his displays of kindness towards them are the only times when it’s genuine. Around everyone else, his jolly and goodhearted persona is just that, a persona. But when he’s with his darling, a softness within him that he believed he had buried long ago manages to resurface; it’s only when this happens that he realises what he feels for them is more than simple attraction, and the seeds of his obsession begin to grow.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Whether it’s before, during, or after his descent into villainy, one thing about Saltbaker remains consistent throughout all of it: he adores romance. Love letters, long walks on the beach, baking together, kissing in the rain, giving his coat to his partner when it’s cold - any romantic or domestic gesture you can think of, he’s likely fantasised about it at some point.
Because of this, it should come as no surprise that his approach to courting his darling is like something straight out of a romantic movie. He can’t help himself; even at his most despicable, he wants to have nothing short of a picture-perfect, fairy tale romance with them, and as long as they reciprocate this desire, he will happily sweep them off their feet in the most cheesy, cliché, overly sweet way possible.
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emmatheyoshi · 2 years
I’ve been looking at a bunch of Chef Saltbaker x Reader Headcanons recently and decided to done of my own. These are for a gender neutral, autistic reader.
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(Art isn’t mine)
• The two of you first met late one afternoon. You came into the bakery, ordered something to eat, and sat down at a table to do something. (Read, write, draw, etc.) You quickly became a regular at the bakery.
• Your friendship truly began once you stayed after hours, rambling about your special interest(s) to him. He stood at the counter and listened as you excitedly talked about your passions.
• Saltbaker doesn’t judge you for stimming. In fact, he finds it adorable. He loves seeing you get all excited and happy stimming.
• If you vocal stim, Saltbaker will occasionally make noises back to you. He’s not mocking you; it’s more of a form of affection.
• Saltbaker has a physical list of your safe foods. He likes taking those dishes and adding his own twist to them. For instance, if your safe food is Mac and Cheese, he’ll make something akin to a Mac and Cheese casserole.
• When you first started dating, Saltbaker immediately did research about autistic love languages. If you’re not a big fan of physical contact, he’ll show his love through words of affirmation. If you love physical contact, he’ll give you all the physical affection you want.
• Autistic have this specific love language that’s been dubbed “penguin pebbling,” which is named after how penguins will pick out a rock and give it to a potential mate. If this is your love language, you give Saltbaker seemingly random things that remind you of him. He has a whole box full of these little trinkets you give him.
• Saltbaker may come off a bit overprotective and even possessive to some people. But he never wants to hurt you. He knows that you’re independent, but this doesn’t stop him from worrying about you.
• If you’re nonverbal and use sign language, Saltbaker goes out of his way to learn what the different signs mean. He’ll even sign back to you while speaking.
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oh yeah i forgot about this
The church was as dark as always, you had become a frequent visitor, frequent enough that the pastor and you were on a first name basis, and had been for a while already. As you came in through the front door, the priest was picking up the bible he had left at the altar, his last sermon of the day had finished a couple of minutes ago. It was late in the night after all, he didn’t expect company, and he definitely didn’t expect you of all people. Still, he welcomed you with open arms.
–“Oh, hello Y/N. What brings you here at these hours of the night? Please do not tell me you came here all by yourself…”
You didn’t know full well why you were there in the first place. You have been feeling quite down lately, having some thoughts, some ideas, not very good ones. That led you to think you were being possessed by a demon or something along those lines. Because you had never felt this bad before. Besides, he was comforting, you just wanted to be near someone you could trust.
–“Hi Gent… Look, I’m sorry for coming in this late, I really don’t mean to interrupt anything but… I think i need an exorcism”
The father’s eyes widened in surprise. Looking at you in confusion. –”May I ask what prompted this?”
You sighed before speaking –”I.. I’ve been dealing with certain feelings lately, father. I think.. Maybe a demon could be the reason why I've been feeling this bad. It’s… It’s never been like this before” You didn’t mean to tear up right there in front of the priest, you didn’t want him to see you like this but you couldn’t help it any longer
He walked closer to you, wiping a tear off your face, accidentally cupping your cheek in the process. God, how you missed this kind of touch. It almost made you cry harder, you really, really needed something like this. And you were especially happy it was coming from him. You leaned into his hand, your face trying to twist itself into a poor attempt of a smile. Said smile backfired on you as you just shed a couple more tears.
He didn’t say a word, he just pulled you in for a hug. He held you tight, so tight, as if he were trying to protect you from the supposed demon who was tormenting you. You reached for his blessume and lightly pulled on it in despair, bringing yourself closer to him, sobbing into his chest. He started humming to calm you down, in that low velvety tone his voice was always in. The vibrations from his chest shot directly into your ears, it was quite soothing, honestly. You could fall asleep right then and there if you weren’t crying so much. Eventually he stopped holding on so tight, his worried grasp turning into a softer one, with his arms just barely squeezing you anymore. He moved one of his hands from your back to your head, it now playing with your hair.
–“You should have come earlier, dear. I had no idea you felt this way.”
–“Is it really that bad…?” –You said, scared to hear the answer. He chuckled in response.
–“Dearest, you are not possessed. Believe me. You just seem stressed. I’m sorry I couldn't help you earlier.”
You were relieved to say the least –”It’s not just stress, I can handle that. It’s just- I guess… I miss love? I know it sounds silly-”
His eyes shot open, he pulled back from you. Honestly, he couldn’t believe someone like you felt this way. He had liked you for so long he just assumed you were already in a relationship. He laughed to himself, which confused you.
–”Hey I’m serious over here!” you also giggled, that smile of his was contagious.
–”Ah- I’m sorry dear! I just find it funny… I could have done something about this before if I had known!”
You stopped to think for a bit, wait does he- –”Now, what’s that supposed to mean?”
–”... I know one must not tempt, especially not me but.. I couldn’t help it, not with you around. I feel about the same way you do, honestly… I also miss love, touch. All that.”
Your heart sank. You couldn’t bear to think someone else was going through this, you knew exactly how much it hurts. You stood on the tips of your toes as you grabbed his face with both your hands. 
–”Well, you don’t have to worry about that either now! because- I love you.”
That look on his face. It was one of relief, astonishment, but over all, pure bliss. He leaned his head on your hands, immediately getting warmer. Now he was the one on brink of crying.
–”Oh, oh good.” He held your hand with both of his, kissing it –”I love you too.”
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danirahl · 2 years
A little break at the bakery Saltbaker x fem!reader pt5
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Disclaimer: Picture isn't mine! all credit goes to the artist!!
~I'm sorry if this part is not great. I had a few bad weeks but I still wanted to give you guys the part.
part 4: https://at.tumblr.com/danirahl/a-little-break-at-the-bakery-saltbaker-x/0obvq82yv42a
“You want a cup of tea before going home?” she asked him shyly, not wanting to let go of him just yet.
He peaked up. Not wanting to leave this chance, he took her hand once again
“I got us some cookies and baking stuff, so we can bake together,” she giggled as she gave him the bag. “And other spiced treats for us to enjoy with a hot brew..” Saltbaker smiled at her thoughtfulness. With the bag in his hands, he gave a glance to it. Maybe they could make some Halloween cookies for tea time? With a smile he came into the kitchen, placing the bag on the counter. He watched her going through her kitchen, looking for her cups.
“Is it strange I don’t want to let go of you after today?”
(Y/n) looked up. With the tea cups in hands, she giggled.
“Not at all!” she smiled “After all, we did had a lot of fun and good food today. And maybe a few hot-ish kisses?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but blush as she placed the tea bags in.
“Hot-ish, huh?” a smirk came on his face as he helped pouring the boiling water in the cups, after the kettle howled.
“Y-you know what I mean!”she huffed, with puffy burning cheeks.
“No, I do not,” he leaned in closer to her. “Do tell me, doll~”
The way he said ‘doll’ as it rolled of his tongue with a husky voice. His eyes were yellowish again. (Y/n) gulped as she quickly grabbed her cup, leaning away. She couldn’t look him in the eyes, she would drop her cup and melt away, if he wouldn’t stop. Biting her lip she tried to keep it together, as he took her cup out of her hands.
“Now you’re just being mean, Salty,” she gave in as she felt his hand on her cheek.
“Am I?” he chuckled as he planted a passionate kiss on her lips. A hopeless moan escaped her lips as she threw her arms around his neck. Quickly Saltbaker held her closer to him as the made out. More moans came from her as he kneaded her in the right places.
Gasping as she let go of their kiss, she was blushing furiously while Saltbaker had the biggest grin on his face.
“Those sounds you make are lovely,” Saltbaker whispered against her ear. “Let me hear some more..~”
With new found courage, (Y/n) held his hands. Kissing him gentle to calm him down
“Not yet,” she whispered, her heart racing. “I’m not ready to go there so quickly, Salty.”
Taken back a bit, Saltbaker looked at her. He was ready for anything and would do everything for her.
“Did I go to far?”he whispered back, cupping her face. Watching her beautiful eyes staring into his. “I’m sorry, (Y/n), If I got too excited about it.”
A gentle giggle came from her as she pecked his nose. “You did, but I can understand it very well,”she smiled and sighed deeply, “I’m excited too.. but I’m not feeling comfortable yet to go.. there just yet. I’m sorry if I disappointed you in that..” “No, no,” he smiled as he caressed her cheeks. “I understand, darling. I want you to be comfortable in my arms and I’ll wait for you. I’m not disappointed at all.”
“Promise?” “Promise,” he chuckled, making a face. “Though I’ll handle it later myself- not the first time I did it alone.” (Y/n) laughed at his funny face as he let go of her.
“Thank you, Salty,” (y/n) smiled happily, “For understanding. I had a wonderful date with you. I hope we can have many more?” “Of course,”Saltbaker smiled daringly. “Let’s drink our tea. It’s pretty late for you, young lady.”
(y/n) giggled at his teasing.
After a goodnight kiss and a warm hug, Saltbaker left.
With a big grin he left into the night. And very red blush on his cheeks.
~a week later~
“I still don’t trust him,” Cuphead said with crossed arms. “he’s too flirty with our cousin..”
“Cuphead,” Mugman tried to reason with his brother. “Don’t upset (Y/n). Remember when you did last time?” “Yeah,” Ms. Chalice agreed, thinking about last time. “Didn’t you cried back then? She got -”
“Well, I ain’t afraid of her!” Cuphead said with a confident smile as he interrupted Ms. Chalice.
“Oh, aren’t ya?” The voice called behind them. A gulp was heard from Cuphead. Cuphead’s smile faded. As he turned around he saw (Y/N) standing with her arms crossed. A nervous chuckle came from him as he fixed his collar.
“H-Hi (Y/n)..~” he tried to play it off all cutely.
“It better be good...”she growled as she looked at the trouble trio. “What’s so imported that you called me from the bakery?”
“It’s about Saltbaker!” Cuphead said, his fits tight “He’s going to make that Wondertart again! I saw him with those Gnome berries!” (Y/n) stared at her cousins and Ms. Chalise. Were they for real at that moment? Didn’t Saltbaker go to jail and do the community service to get out? It would be really dumb to do so. Unless..?
“That doesn’t make sense, Cuphead,” (Y/n) sighed, rubbing her nose bridge . “And I do remember ordering those berries a few days ago: I’m making Gnome tarts this week for the bakery. What else do you use those berries for?”
Ms. Chalise looked worried at the three. The cups gave each other a look. They felt something was off.
“Well it’s not a bad idea to keep a better eye on him,” Ms. Chalise offered the idea to (Y/n). “Make notes whenever he feels out of it. We can take a look of it and take action before it happens again.”
“Fine,” (Y/n)sighed, “I can do that I that helps you guys relax. But please, you guys. Let me have this.. I’m having with him.”
“I’ll use my finger gun at him if he dares to hurt you though, (Y/n)!” Cuphead warned her.
“Me too!”Mugman said.
Saltbaker was enjoying a cup of coffee as (Y/n)was busy helping customers. A small break from baking and preparing dessert was hard work after all. Just sitting near the door enjoying a snack too, he listen to the voices to hear if there are any orders to make. Through the door creak he could just see the silhouette of (Y/n).
“-Well how about a cream pie instead, Ma’am?” Saltbaker heard (Y/n)suggested to a customer.
Saltbaker almost choked on his coffee when he heard that. What did she just say!? His burnt face turned towards the sound of her voice. There she was standing behind the cash register with a sunny smile on her face. “It’s a simple pie crust filled with vanilla custard, strawberries and a heavy layer of whipped cream,” Dani explained as the old lady asked what it was. “We can decorate it with some chocolates and fresh fruits too, if you would like.”
“Oh, that sounds deliciously delightful, dear,” the granny said with the biggest smile, “I’ll take one! My grandchildren will love that!” “Just a moment, ma’am,” she smiled as she walked towards the door that leads to the kitchen. “I’ll ask the chef to get one for you.”
“Salty?” (Y/n)opened the door to find a flustered Saltbaker, looking quite caught at her. “Are you alright?” her eyebrow raised. “You look like you saw something horrible.. or heard. But anyway. We got a customer who’s wanting to try out that new pie. Can you whip it up?”
“E-eh yes I can,”he blushed deeply as he tried to get himself together. Pulling his collar to let go off the steam that was building up inside, he saw how Dani looked at him.
“Whyyyy don’t you sit down for a moment,” she spoke up. “I’ll get it out of the pie out.”
“N-no, I’m fine really!” Saltbaker protested as he came off the chair to get the pie first but was met with a stern look of (Y/n).
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friendlyfatbee · 2 years
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Nothing says romantic like premarital hand holding in front of a stained glass piece depicting eternal damnation!
*stands on podium with megaphone* @askcannibalsaltbaker THIS IS FOR YOU I think your art is amazing and I like priest!saltbaker (of course all the other au saltbakers are just as cool-) Your poses and expressions in your art look and feel so naturally put together, it makes chef saltbaker more human and investing to the viewer!
*priest!saltbaker isn’t mine, I am not responsible for any deaths caused by or induced by being in close proximity to a demon, please go check askcannibalsaltbaker out!!!
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etherealninfa · 2 years
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Good boy/ Evil
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lemonlizardlover · 1 year
Although my Saltbaker phase is over ( I know cue the audience boos and tomatoes 🍅, but guess who my new obsession is)
I still love him 🥵 AND I promised you a fic and it’s cumming
Oops. Coming. Sorry it took 84 days anon 😔
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Hello polter! What do you think about the new cuphead dlc? I told myself I wasn’t going to fall for Chef Saltbaker, but i was very wrong. Could we please have some headcanons sometime?
A/N: Man you could really tell how far behind I am on some of these requests– man, I didn’t even know how long I’ve been in this rut until now. Especially since the DLC came out 2 years ago. Even as I am typing out this little note, I can’t help but grimace and feel awful for only now getting to this (シ〒﹏〒))シ
Now, I wasn’t sure if this was referring to just general headcanons or x reader ones, so I decided to go for the former for the time being!
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General Chef Saltbaker Hcs:
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Even before his scheme to finally bake the Wondertart came to light, the residents of Inkwell Isle Four sensed something was… off about Chef Saltbaker. The way his  jolly smiles didn’t quite reach his eyes; how he’d often lash out at random intervals before suddenly slipping his cheerful mask on; the numerous backhanded remarks he’d dole out to customers— and god forbid he becomes passive aggressive. 
Point is, he wasn’t really a friendly fellow to begin with– and everyone was able to catch on relatively quickly. However, there was a tense, silent agreement between the other Island denizens and Chef Saltbaker: they stay out of his business, and he’ll play nice. And with gourmet treats to sweeten the pot, it’s enough to make most people look the other way. 
He kept his life incredibly private prior to his rehabilitation. Chef Saltbaker wasn’t originally from the fourth Isle, having quietly set up his bakery to little fanfare. The man hardly ever left the building, either. During the late hours of the night, long after closing hours, a few onlookers even caught him opening the door that led to the basement of the bakery; leading to a few crazed conspiracies and theories of what exactly he did down there.
Granted, considering how Saltbaker had a lab down there, they weren’t wrong. But he also just had a nook that he lived in. Rent could be expensive in the city blocks of the Isle. He’d rather spend most of his budget towards ingredients, so living within the bakery was just naturally the better option. 
Honestly, baking the Wondertart was the culmination of a series of unfortunate events. A struggling career in the culinary arts, years of being taken advantage of by restaurant owners– who dangled the empty promise of a promotion if he just was more passionate, constant stress over meeting rent, funding the bakery, and himself, rude customers; it could go on forever. After continuous disappointment and admittedly isolating himself, it was easy to see why he went a little, ah, mad. 
Saltbaker’s gotten a lot better though! Albeit, there’s still remnants of that bitter, passive aggressive (hell, even just normal aggressive) personality lurking underneath his much more positive self. Now that he has gained the trust and friendship of the Isle denizens– finally gaining a sense of belonging and community he didn’t know he was missing– he’s calmed down significantly. 
Complete and utter neat freak about his kitchen. Organizes all ingredients and spices alphabetically and dedicates separate drawers to each cooking utensil. Not to mention that at the end of each shift, he’ll make sure that the kitchen is absolutely spotless. He does not care if it’ll take him an extra hour; if everything is not in order like he left it, he’ll go mad. 
After doing community service, Saltbaker mostly just uses his laboratory to experiment with different flavors and batters for his deserts. Some of his concoctions range from mere enhancements to common flavors like strawberry to exotic flavors like dragon fruit or lychee. He’s open to new flavors!
While his large, pot-bellied frame may not look it, Chef Saltbaker is incredibly fast. When you’re working a one-man show and have a line of customers waiting for their orders, it’s completely necessary for him. Granted, a lot of the people who come in are usually complete sweethearts and are willing to wait. Nevertheless, the man’s practically a blur as he’s speeding from station to station, kneading dough one second and then preparing a batch of frosting the next. If he finds himself needing extra help, he’ll usually use magic or conjure up a salt clone. 
Though the latter doesn’t happen all too often since said clones tend to make his desserts much saltier than he would like.
Food gore makes him irrevocably angry and stressed out. Why on earth would you show him this? Saltbaker already hated wasting food, but downright ugly food or disgusting looking combos will genuinely mess him up for the rest of the day. Same thing with those images of people gripping their food too tightly. The first time Cuphead did it to an eclair in the bakery, it took every muscle of self restraint for Saltbaker to not jump over that counter and clobber a child to death. 
Speaking of, don’t ever suggest to add breadbowls to the menu in front of him. He took pride in baking that loaf of bread and you want him to massacre it?! How very dare you. He doesn’t care if it’s a popular trend, he’ll sooner slap the person who asked than waste a crumb of that bread. 
Incredibly strong, but that’s a given. The man kneads dough by hand all day and usually carries in crates and heavy bags full of groceries into the bakery. Could pick up around five grown men with ease. 
Ms. Chalice usually pops in to get extra cookies, and will often offer to help out where she can in the kitchen. She and Chef Saltbaker were kind of awkward around each other for a bit– given the whole “Hey I lied to you and your friends and tried to steal their soul” bit. However, after some time, they’re comfortable around each other to the point where you’d usually overhear their banter while they work. 
“Oh, come now, Saltbaker! You can’t put a price to our friendship!”
“Yes I can, dear. Fifty dollars.”
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
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deadolloading · 1 year
Presentación de mi perfil, lo que escribo, reglas.
¡Hola pequeña personita! Me presento, soy deadolloading aún que pueden decirme Joven D, Doll, Dolly o como gustes. Mis pronombres son She/Her/Him, ¡Pero puedes decirme como sea!
Mi blog es totalmente en contenido en español, esto es debido a que no se mucho de inglés y hasta que no lo aprenda en su totalidad, no haré contenido en inglés.
El contenido de mi perfil apunta específicamente a todo lo relacionado con fanfics, pequeños escritos míos, etc. Igualmente los fanfics van del famoso Character x Reader o como el famoso Character x T/N.
Personas de cualquier edad, genero, creencia o nacionalidad ¡Es completamente bienvenido! Ya que mi contenido va para todo público ya que me incomoda escribir cualquier cosa NSFW, por lo que todo mi contenido es SFW, en caso de ser lo contrario se pide que no interactúen con esa publicación.
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Requests are open!
Lea esto antes de solicitar cualquier fanfic, headcanon y esas cosas (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
Nota: A veces no puedo publicar mucho debido a lo ocupado que suelo estar.
Soy muy imaginativo con headcanons, escenarios/drabbles y es posible que veas mucho de eso en mi perfil, pero nada de fanfics o one-shots y tendrás que esperar mucho tiempo para que haga uno.
Por favor, no envíe hagas spam de solicitudes porque en esos caso no lo haré.
Si no publico un post muy largo, puede ser porque no tengo mucha imaginación en ese momento, disculpas de antemano.
¡El inglés no es mi primer idioma! Así que lo siento mucho por lo que solo escribiré en español.
Cuando pida algo en mi bandeja, por favor dame detalles de lo que quieres, como una parte específica que desea que agregue, qué personaje, género del lector, etc.
Solo puede escribir de 2 a 3 personajes a la vez.
Quiero que este lugar sea seguro tanto para mí como para los lectores.
Tengo todo el derecho a rechazar una solicitud, especialmente si rompe con las reglas que ya tengo.
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Acepto escribir
Relaciones poliamorosas.
Amor, oc x character
No acepto escribir
Pedofilia, zoofilia
Relaciones altamente tóxicas
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Fandoms y personajes para los que escribo !
Phantom of the Opera - MazM
Christine Daae Sorelli Dupont Melek Levni Detective Hatim Eric
Genshin Impact
Sucrose Rosaria Beidou Amber Kaeya Diluc Jean Aloy Lisa
Mario Bros
Princess Peach Princess Daisy Rosalina Pauline Mario Luigi
Baroness Von Bon Bon Chef Saltbaker Cala Maria Hilda Berg
Five Night's at Freddy's
Michael Afton William Afton Henry Emily Clara Afton Animatronics
Sims 4
Elvira Lapida
The Mandela Catalogo
Cesar Torres Mark Heathcliff Adam Murray Jonah Marshall Arcangel Gabriel Alt!Archangel Gabriel Sarah Heathcliff
Popee the Performer
Papi Poppe Eepop Kedamono
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Tanjiro Kamado Nezuko Kamado Inosuke Hashibira Zenitsu Agatsuma Muzan Kibutsuji Kagaya Ubuyashiki Kyōjurō Rengoku Obanai Iguro Gyomei Himejima Tengen Uzui Shinjuro Rengoku Mitsuri Kanroji Shinobu Kochō
Welcome Home
Wally Darling Julie Joyful Barnaby B. Beagle Frank Frankly Eddie Dear Howdy Pillar Sally Starlet Poppy Partridge
My Hero Academia
Kyoka Jiro Eijiro Kirishima Denki Kaminari Mei Hatsume Mt. Lady Tsuyu Asui Tenya Iida Endeavor Ochako Uraraka Momo Yaoyorozu
Sakura CardCaptor
Tomoyo Daidōji Tōya Kinomoto Yukito Tsukishiro Maki Matsumoto Nadeshiko Kinomoto Syaoran Li Fujitaka Kinomoto Kaho Mizuki Sakura Kinomoto Clow Reed Caras Clow
Sailor Moon
Usagi Tsukino Rei Hino Makoto Kino Ami Mizuno Minako Aino Haruka Teno Michiru Kaio Setsuna Meio Nephrite Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask Kou Seiya Kou Yaten Kou Taiki
Dragon Ball
Gohan Veggetta Piccolo Trunks Broly Androide 18 Androide 17 Whis Krilin
Vilma Dinkley Daphne Blake Shaggy Rogers Fred Jones
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Montgomery Montgomery Violet Baudelaire Klaus Baudelaire Georgina Orwell Justice Strauss Fernald Fiona Kit Snicket Lemony Snicket  Gustav Sebald
Marvel/DC Comics
Solo agregare unos personajes
Doctor Octopus - Spiderman Miguel O'Hara - Spiderman Ghost Spider - Spiderman Spider-Man Noir - Spiderman Doctor Stranger - Marvel Peggy Carter - Marvel Raven - DC Comics Starfire - DC Comics Beast Boy - DC Comics Green Arrow - DC Comics
Moral Orel
Bloberta Puppington Clay Puppington Rod Putty Stephanie Putty Nurse Bendy
The Amazing Digital Circus
Ragatha x Reader Pomni x Reader Caine x Moon Caine x Reader Jax x Reader Gingle x Reader
Otros personajes (serie o película)
Miss Peregrine - Miss Peregrine y el hogar para chicos peculiares Carrie - Carrie 1976 Michael Myers - Halloween Jason Voorhees - Viernes 13 Thomas Hewitt - Masacre en Texas 2006 Ghostface - Danny Johnson Phantom of the Opera - Movie 2004 Blue Diamont - Steven Universe Yellow Diamond - Steven Universe Personajes de Disney - Solo si lo conozco
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⠀⠀ ⠀ Reglas ⛧ ?!
ㅤㅤ⛧ Especificar por favor lo que quieren, no soy adivina. Si quieren cierta situación especifica, ese tipo de cosas ya saben.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Al momento de escribir para lectores, lo diré de una vez, no se mucho de pronombres. Por lo que si quieres de un personaje no binario o algo así, por favor dime como es su uso de pronombres para escribirlo y te sientas cómodo.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Esto totalmente abierta a la idea de escribir OC x Character, para eso pido que en privado me den algo de información de su oc. Alguna ficha, descripción de personalidad y física, ese tipo de cosas.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Pido que me tengan paciencia, suele escribir de forma muy tardada debido a mi gran bloqueo de escritor. Ténganme paciencia, soy nuevo en esto :').
ㅤㅤ⛧ ¡Pueden pedirme cualquier cosa! Romance, platónico, relación padre/madre e hijx, de hermandad, etc.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Por favor, pido respeto ya que esto es como un tipo de pasatiempo para mi. No vengo a molestar a nadie y tampoco vengo a que me molesten. Si no les gusta mi perfil o tienes problemas conmigo, te pido amablemente que dejes mi perfil y con gusto puedes bloquearme.
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Eso sería todo por mi parte, bienvenidos a mi perfil y espero que les guste mi contenido.
¡Nos vemos!
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kirlias452 · 2 years
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I posted 1,001 times in 2022
That's 514 more posts than 2021!
101 posts created (10%)
900 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 104 of my posts in 2022
#the heilwald loophole - 17 posts
#cuphead - 15 posts
#smiling friends - 13 posts
#smiling friends x reader - 12 posts
#smiling friends imagine - 12 posts
#cuphead boss x reader - 10 posts
#cuphead boss - 9 posts
#cuphead dlc - 9 posts
#cuphead delicious last course - 8 posts
#smiling friends pim - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#yes i do think ultra greed is a personification of isaacs dad yes i do think keeper is isaac thinking hes inheriting the sins of the father
My Top Posts in 2022:
Smiling Friends: Alan x Reader Imagine
(Oh boy, here I go again… also I hope he isn’t too ooc in this)
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📎 Loves to cuddle up to you once in a while.
🧀 Gets you cute heart shaped gifts as a gift!
📎 Likes to get close and lay down on the couch/beanbag with you when he’s on break. Though he will get slightly flustered if you sit in his lap.
🧀 Isn’t very open when it comes to flirting but will give out small compliments here and there.
📎 Will blush a lot if you call him nice things. He’ll become flustered if you give him lots of them.
🧀 Loves to talk about either how his or your day was, the weather, and stuff like that.
📎 Isn’t much of the romantic type but will show his love via gift giving, conversations and spending time together.
🧀 Will turn into a blushing, stuttering mess if you kiss him (either on the cheek of the lips).
230 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Idk if u do requests but if u do I’d love more charlie imagines/stables/etc idc what it is im just starved .. I’d die if it was cuddle imagines
U got it!
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Charlie imagines: Cuddling
🧢 He’s 100% happy to give you one, not when he’s busy though but will give you a quick one instead.
🧢 He isn’t the one to give surprise hugs, especially from behind. If you do give him a surprise hug from behind, he’ll jump a bit, but will welcome it since it’s you after all.
🧢 Will absolutely love it when you hold him close to you.
🧢 His favourite type of hug for you is the heart-to-heart hug, it makes him so happy.
🧢 In bed, he’d definitely be the big spoon. Holding you close to him with you up against his chest
241 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
May I ask for a Chef saltbaker x reader scenario? If you want of course ☆
*rubs my widdle hands together* comin right up, chief!
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Chef Saltbaker x reader Imagines:
🧂If he’s in the mood for dancing to some classical music with his s/o, he’ll pull them in and do some lively ballroom dances.
🧂 If he’s in the mood for dancing to some classical music with his s/o, he’ll pull them in and do some lively ballroom dances.
🧂 Will definitely make his s/o pastries in case they’re hungry.
🧂If he’s really happy, he’ll carry his s/o bridal style!
🧂He’s a peach (no food pun intended) when it comes to giving gifts, they’ll be either food themed accessories, jewellery or other things his s/o might like.
🧂If his s/o wants to help him cook, then he’ll be over the moon.
🧂Is a bit flirty with his s/o in private, he’s a teasing type. He’ll deepen his voice and bring out his yellow eyes.
🧂Will embrace his s/o if they’re upset.
🧂Isn’t afraid to be intimidating if someone tries to hit on his s/o.
🧂Gives his s/o cute pet names like “Sweetheart”, “Cherry”, and “Dear”.
🧂Isn’t too afraid to give pda but usually sticks to holding his s/o hands, having his arms around them or giving them kisses.
🧂He may be a saltshaker, but he’s a complete sweetheart for his s/o
243 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Smiling Friends: Charlie x Reader Imagine
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🧢 He loves to hold hands with you.
🧢 Charlie’s welcome to go out on dates to fast food places when he isn’t busy with work.
🧢 He’s happy to chill out with you when he’s on his break.
🧢 Will be surprised if you kissed him on the cheek, even more-so on the lips. He turns into a blushing mess.
🧢 Loves to chat with you sometime, it makes him feel good.
🧢 If you were to bring in a board game for you and him to play, he’d 100% be down with it. What’s not better that your significant other playing some board games with you?
🧢 Will help you out with anything if you need it.
🧢 He’s happy to try new things, just as long as neither of you get hurt.
🧢 If you give him a surprise smooch, he’ll turn completely red and become a stuttering mess
🧢 Will give you 1 or 2 pecks on the cheek before he leaves to make someone smile.
🧢 Seeing you smile is a really good motivator for him.
267 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Cuphead Delicious Last Course spoilers ///
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Some more Chef Saltbaker x Y/N content cause I love the guy lol
281 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bro i wrote something its eHEKSDFEHHH
I'm never posting anything like this again i dont write at all so if it's badddd it's cause of that- no practice lmao
okok overall setting is like 13-14th century era (aka medieval stuff) alright cool also it’s a liiiiiittle bit spicy just sayin-
You were right outside a pretty abandoned looking church, cold and wet from the rain, covered by a half torn cloak that looked as if it could break and get lost in the strong winds at any second. Without much hesitation you went in.
The church itself was strikingly big. paintings of angels and demons scattered nearly everywhere, almost as if they were fighting each other for their rightful space in the walls of this temple. Embellished arcs and pillars adorned the sides of the main hall you stumbled into, towering far over you, giving you this feeling of insignificance that was unusually comforting, after all, we are all insignificant compared to him.
You walked through the carpeted hall, leaving damp footsteps behind your trail and still admiring the impressive architecture of a church in such an isolated place.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”
The sudden noise made you flinch. You turned to be met with a remarkably tall man dressed in a blessume, proudly wearing a wooden bead rosary, his very presence filling your mind with things those angels in the ceiling would frown upon. He was standing at the altar, reading, likely waiting for someone to come, but who would come to a church in such a desolate place?
You stepped closer to the man, bowing as a sign of respect, before he cut you off.
“Dear lamb, you don’t have to do that.”
“But sir, why shouldn’t I bow to someone so close to our lord?”
a warm smile emerged on the priest’s face, accompanied by a soft chuckle.
“You are.. quite close to God yourself, are you not?”
The sudden change in topic caught you off guard, but you followed regardless.
“I… yes… I have committed sins… however I  am very close to him”
“I assume you have come here to confess then?”
“....Yes.” you lied
He flicked his hand forward, signaling for you to follow him. 
You both strolled through a dark hallway lit only by candlelight for a few minutes, until finally arriving at an equally dark room. From what you could make out with the dim lighting, from both the walls and the roof, hung a wine colored veil elegantly over the two of you, as well as one in between two chairs, giving the room almost a mysterious, yet intriguing aesthetic. He pointed at a cushioned chair, silently giving you permission to sit down, just as he sat himself at the other side of the veil.
“Tell me your sins, so I may forgive every aspect of you.”
That line made a shiver go down your spine. deep down you had a gut feeling telling you that he was not trustworthy, yet the thrill of being in his presence made you dismiss it. You sighed
“Forgive me father, for I have sinned, it has been around 3 years since my last confession.
I succumbed to temptation, father. Impure thoughts filled with lust torment me”
The priest in question said nothing for a few seconds, his breath slightly shaking before uttering a reply
“My lamb, temptation is inevitable. Might I even say, healthy. Pretending these thoughts do not exist is a fool’s escape from reality. What you must understand, dear, is that… you must not leave your temptations unattended… as they could manifest themselves into sin. We all have desires, even I do.”
His voice became deeper, rougher, yet quieter. you could hear a hint of raw carnal desire deep down in every word he whispered. It made you quiver, but not from fear. You felt your face grow warmer.
The two of you kept talking for a while. You both prayed as well. Eventually, you were done with your confession.
“Go in peace then”
“Father, may I ask something of you?” you timidly asked
“Why, of course. What can I do for such a delightful creature like yourself?”
“I… Don’t exactly have a place to spend the night in for tonight… could i, by any chance, spend it here?”
Those words seemed to surprise the priest, he smiled. Though, it was not as warm of a smile as before, this time it felt more… mischievous.
“Sure, you may. While I do not have another place for you to sleep other than the pews, I believe I have blankets somewhere. I apologize for not having the accommodations such a perfect being like yourself deserves…”
Before you could reply, he rushed out of the room, his robes undulating in the air current he created as he walked. He gave you a feeling, something you had never felt before. Being in his presence was…stimulating to say the least. He had this eerie aura that made your entire body shiver. He seemed like quite a serious, even frightening man, but the more you talked, the more you felt like he was just like anyone else, a person.
He rushed back into the main hall of the church, with a heavy -while not very soft looking- blanket. He set it in the pews next to you. When you turned to his face, you saw this expression. you didn’t know full well how to describe it, but he looked anxious, like he wanted to say something. his breathing was also back to that heavy tone it had before.
You couldn’t help looking at him then, he seemed so vulnerable and… maybe a little too appealing. Your eyes kept looking him up and down.
“Dear, your eyes are wandering further and further from mine… is your mind bustling with what body I could be hiding under these humble garments?”
The question made you snap back and your face flushed a little, your legs growing weaker as you felt his gaze on your skin. something the pastor immediately noticed.
“Why, I am just a man, my sheep, there is not much else to this body that hosts my spirit. However, those eyes of yours seem awfully…hungry for me, are they not?”
The priest stepped closer, pinning you against a tinted glass panel, illustrating God performing his miracles. Maybe this experience with a man like him was his gift to you. a miracle sent just for you.
“Oh, sweet lamb, I saw that starstruck gaze in your eyes when you first laid them upon me. I saw every little glance you sent my way…” He caressed your cheek with the tip of his fingers, slowly moving down to your neck. His cold touch felt almost electric on your delicate skin.
“Why do you tremble, little sheep? Do you fear me?”
 -he leaned in closer, whispering- 
“Or… do you crave me?”
He said, in that same growling deep tone you couldn’t get out of your head
He slowly pulled your chin up to his height, forcing you to look at his face. You were met by glowing red eyes you were sure he didn’t have before. You could feel all those pent up desires he’s had for years, all the lustful thoughts and wishes he had denied throughout his life were re-emerging in front of your very eyes. His heavy breathing was hitting the crevice of your neck, the heat irradiating from his body onto yours. He could not take it anymore, he needed you. your touch, your voice, your body, everything.
“Oh, lord forgive me for what I'm about to do…”
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danirahl · 2 years
A little break at the bakery Saltbaker x fem!reader pt2
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Disclaimer: pictures are not mine! Thank you for enjoying the last one! Here's part 2 and lots more fluff! I thought it would be adorable as (Y/n) is a porcelain doll, since it would be fitting in that world. But you can always change it though!
part 1: https://at.tumblr.com/danirahl/saltbaker-x-fem-reader-a-little-break-at-the/b2htqtu000t9 part 3: https://at.tumblr.com/danirahl/a-little-break-at-the-bakery-saltbaker-x/pj1hdvt6as3t part 4: https://at.tumblr.com/danirahl/a-little-break-at-the-bakery-saltbaker-x/rlvcakm1yk1k
As if his heart got an arrow in, he tried to shook of the blush on his cheeks. “Oh, nothing! I said you like caramel vanilla tea right?” he somehow got himself safe. “I got a new pack in yesterday.”
“It’s my favorite!” she smiled “Thank you! Let’s share those cookies.”
“Heh, sure, sweet sugar.” he winked playfully at her, hiding his yelling heart, playing it cool. “D-don’t call me that, Salty” she teased back.
It been months since (Y/n)moved from Inkwell Isle One to the Inkwell Isle Four. (Y/n)needed the job at the bakery, more than she wanted to admit. As she wanted to get better at her baking, where to do it? And even better if the famous Chef Saltbaker to help her out. Or the Chef who tried to get that Wondertart.
With many warnings from her friends, Cuphead, Mugman and Ms. Chalice, she still went through with her job. He couldn’t be that bad. Right?
But today was luckily not a busy day. It was a slow one to compare a few days ago, so before the afternoon, it was alright to close for now. This gave the duo the time to work on the more imported treats and delicate work.
(Y/n) grunted as she tried to knead a stiff dough. She tried a new receipt that the Chef came up with for cookies. But good golly, it was as hard and stiff as a rock. Her porcelain small and soft hands were nothing compare to that... that rock! But she wouldn’t give up on it. She was a ‘tougher’ cookie than she might look like. (Or she would like to believe in herself.)
Chef was busy with some delicate decorations on a few wedding cakes. Being in the zone, he couldn’t hear anything around himself.
‘How should I make our wedding cake..?’ he thought to himself, unaware of his on thoughts, being in a daze of his own work. ‘Maybe more sugar roses? Maybe vanilla than the chocolate sponge? What would she look like in a wedding dress, though?’ A dreamy sigh. ‘I can see her already – walking towards me, her bouquet in her hands, those loving eyes...’
Surprised by his own daydream, waking him up completely. What was he thinking? What was he even thinking?! Saltbaker flinched as he heard a war cry.
With flustered cheeks, he turned to see an angry (Y/n), failing to knead the dough at all. She was trying with her might to knead it. The dough didn’t budge an inch. Huffing and puffing she was holding in her anger.
“Stupid dough..” she mumbled. “Don’t wanne listen to me...”
Chef Saltbaker couldn’t help but laugh at this adorable view in front of him. That adorable porcelain doll of his.
Laying away his piping bag, he came to his assistant.
“Need some help with that, Sweet treat?” he chuckled, laying a hand on her shoulder. “N-no! I-I got this!” she huffed angry. “I don’t need help.”
Shaking his head, he pulled up his sleeves. She needed to been shown how it must be done. And she was being stubborn, just like the dough. “Move, my dearest treat,” she heard his deep charming voice, his hand gentle pushing her away by her waist. “I’ll show you how to make it listen to you.”
Sighing deeply, she listened and moved away. Sweat was dripping past her brow as she noticed how tired she was. (Y/n)caught her breath she watched him.
With his larger hands he kneaded the dough as it was nothing. Dani looked at his hands. Fascinated how easy it was for him. Those twist and grabbing of the dough.. What would it be if he would kneaded her? Somewhere like her bum, her thighs or...? Him above her, holding her writs so she couldn’t escape his lustful kisses. Making her beg for him.
She felt herself getting hotter in the face, trying to look away. What was that?
‘Now is not to think so lewd, (Y/n)!’ she scrolled herself mentally. Slapping her cheeks to make herself focus on the job and not something else. ‘Focus, (Y/n)! The dough for cookies!’
Chef looked up from the dough as he heard the slapping. Looking at the flustered face of (Y/n), he smiled. He might had a smooth idea to woo her.
“Come here,” Saltbaker told her, with a confident smirk. “I’ll show you how to do it for the next time.” “N-nnooooo,” she blushed more, sinking in her blouse of her dress. “I-I get it, Salty.” “Oh really, (Y/n)?” Saltbaker voice sounded suddenly so husky in her ears. With a raised eye brow, he was still smirking. A glimpse of the yellow eyes were seen again. (Y/n) could sink then and there. Gulping down her nerves, she came back to her place.
With the dough now better kneaded, it was easier for her. Her petite hands worked hard on the dough.
After a few moments his larger hands laid above, guiding hers. She felt him against her back. Her face filled up with a new shade of red, she didn’t know she could get.
“Easy, Sweet treat,” his deep husky voice tickled her left ear. “You doing it too rough and you might overwork the dough like this...”
(Y/N)’s mind went blank. What were they doing again? Her half open eyes were focused on his hands, his voice and how he was so close behind her. She could melt into a paddle. This felt like heaven being in his arms. Words about the dough weren't imported anymore to her, only the sound of his voice was. (Y/n) leaned against him, laying her cheek against his upper arm.
“(Y/n)..?” he asked, noticing how comfortable she was in his arms. What was coming over to him? Was this part of his idea or did he just missed a step? His heart fluttered and yelled again at him to make a golly gosh darn move on her already! She looked so beautiful in his arms. Were her lips always so red and kissable too? Should he..?
His hand let go of hers before cupping her cheek. Those eyes looked so longingly at him. Stroking away a stray hair in her face, he got lost in those dreamy eyes.
As in a trace, Saltbaker leaned in. He smelt the vanilla and a dash of cinnamon. Closing his eyes, without any thinking, he gentle kissed on her porcelain red lips. A gasp escaped her.
Jolting awake from the trance, sweat drops appeared in Saltbaker’s face. Did he just messed this up?
Quickly he let go of her. Taking a few steps back, many thoughts went though his head. What would she do? Would she run? Would she hit him for being unprofessional?
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hostess-of-horror · 2 years
Chef's Kiss
If I had the ability to travel back in time and then proceeded to tell my past self that I would be writing a Reader x Canon fanfic for Cuphead, I would be knocked tf out...
I found a post talking about a Reader fanfic with Chef Saltbaker, specifically the one by @starleska, and so I figured why the hell not! Although I don't have a crush on him, I am, however, in love with his fluid animation and overall design! He gives me Classic Disney Villain vibes and I am here for it!
Just so to let everyone know, this is my very first Cuphead fanfic. So be easy on me!
Content Includes: Major DLC Spoilers, Irresponsible Use of Knives, and Very Intense Flirting (Don't worry, this story is Safe for Work!)
You couldn't help but be mesmerized. You were watching an artist at work. There was no pause in his motions, no hesitation or blunder to be seen. Everything he did was perfect. Of course, he clearly had the experience and skill - something you had yet to achieve. You stood and watched as your mentor rolled up his sleeves, exposing his crystal clear forearms, and took ahold of a knife. Your heart jolted in excitement when he made the first cut into the fruit he placed onto the cutting board. Then he minced, beautifully so, the fruit into pieces and scrapped them aside. It was such a simple act, and yet he made it as if it was a craft no mortal being could ever possess.
Cooking was, indeed, a craft. Your mentor, Chef Saltbaker, said so himself.
Your fingers shook with anticipation. You wanted to try it out yourself. You just had to take that knife and give it a go! Or perhaps, it wasn't the knife that excited you. No... no, it wasn't. The constant rhythm of your heartbeat, the hypnotism, the enthusiasm. It was all because of the chef that took you in as his apprentice. Chef Saltbaker is the greatest chef in all of Inkwell Isles, that you knew well. Everyone knew well. And to be given the chance to work alongside him! That right there was a tremendous honor. And to think that all it took was a small conversation, too. It was a bright, sunny day when it happened. You felt particularly special, so you went down to the bakery to get yourself a small treat. You went inside, was greeted by him, had a friendly chat. But then things turned interesting when Chef Saltbaker noticed the book under your arm.
The book you were holding was a encyclopedia, specifically one about the occult. You were very fond with the subject, reading books upon books about anything and everything there was to learn. It just so happened that you had placed a bookmark under a chapter discussing the complexities of the astral plane. You had no idea how delighted the chef was when you told him! At that moment, you discovered that you two were quite alike. Things lead to another, and now here you were, inside his kitchen built inside a strange catacomb underneath the bakery. Considering your otherworldly interests, such a place did not phase you. In fact, you were quite amazed!
Chef Saltbaker then paused his work, lowering his knife. "My friend... You know that book you own? The one about the astral plane?", he asked, turning towards you. You nodded, interested in what he had to say. "I must admit, I never thought that I would see someone else with similar tastes. I must also admit that I'm quite surprised you didn't scream in fear when we entered the kitchen. This place is usually kept as a secret, as it should be, but perhaps we don't have to hide... certain things anymore."
Certain things? What could that possibly mean? It could be anything! And if your surroundings indicated anything, it most likely meant something sinister. You thought about all the possible and horrible things Chef Saltbaker could mean: cannibalism, poisoning, necromancy, slavery, piracy... veganism! "You see... I have discovered a spectacular recipe. It is called the Wondertart! The Wondertart is a treat only created with the finest ingredients, ingredients that only can be gathered by the most determined of folk! You must be wondering, what exactly makes this recipe so special?", he continued, "Well, it's because the Wondertart can give you the power to control the astral plane!"
You jolt up in surprise! Chef Saltbaker, Inkwell Isles' finest cook, in control of the entire astral plane? Surely, this must be some sort of joke! An elaborate prank which involved an atmosphere as spooky as a catacomb. But as you looked into his eyes, your doubt faded away. He was, in fact, serious. Completely and utterly serious. You can tell by the glow in his eyes. "Yes, my friend! The astral plane! Can you believe it? To think that I can harness it with just a small pastry! Ha-ha!", Chef Saltbaker laughed gleefully, swinging his knife in hand. Then he sighed, "However... I believe there is going to be a change in plans... The Wondertart will not grant me its power. Oh, no... it will grant us the power."
You stood in place astounded as your mentor smiled. He began to stroll towards you, his eyes now gleaming with hunger. Your heart throbbed as he got closer to you. Before you know it, you were pinned against a stone wall with him towering over you. You could feel yourself blushing immensely as you realize how close you were to him. You had every reason to be frightened: the underground catacombs, the plan to conquer the astral plane, Chef Saltbaker himself. You almost forgot that he still had the knife in his hand. But, you would be lying if you told yourself that you weren't a fan of this... dangerous intimacy.
"My dear..." Chef Saltbaker cooed, gently caressing your cheek, "You don't have to hide it anymore. I can read you like a book. Did you really think that I wouldn't notice? I'm honestly flattered! Never thought that I would be considered attractive in these parts, to be honest. Well, I'm glad you think so..." He winked. Oh my stars, he winked! At you! Is this real? Is this a dream? This has to be! There was no way Chef Saltbaker had the same feelings! "With the Wondertart, we will be unstoppable! We will become gods amongst mortals - beyond just mere lovers. Whaddya say, my dear? Will you conquer the astral plane by my side as my partner in crime?"
You felt his finger lift up your chin, his thumb gently tracing your lower lip. Without a single word, you leaped into his arms and finally - finally - crashed your lips against his. Chef Saltbaker reciprocates with a sly grin,"Oh, we're going to make wonders together, sweetie pie..."
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chumby4life · 2 years
Strawberries (Saltbaker x Farmer!Reader)
I've had two people request a fic with a farmer reader, so here y'all go! Buckle up, because this is kind of a long one...
You wipe the sweat off your brow as you begin to finish off a long day at the farmer's market. It had been a rather taxing day, from loading bushels of produce into your truck at dawn, to a busy day at the market that lasted well into the afternoon. At long last, you take a load off and sit down on an old wooden crate. You've only just begun to relax, until you hear a deep voice from behind you.
"Excuse me, could I trouble you for some strawberries?"
A bit annoyed, you sluggishly get up and turn to face your customer. He's a rather large man, and you find you are taken aback by his towering stature.
"O-of course, and how many will that be?", you manage to ask.
"Oh, just a pound will do, thank you."
Despite his intimidating appearance, the saltshaker seems to have a rather kind demeanor. You prepare the berries for him, and he thanks you with a generous tip.
"I'm terribly sorry to impose, I imagine you were just beginning to close up shop. But, you see, I've heard very impressive things about your farmstand, and I require only the very best for my recipes!", he says with a wink. You avert your eyes from his cheery grin, hoping he doesn't notice your flushed cheeks. "I see, well, I hope these are to your liking..." you reply, gesturing to the basket of berries in his hands.
"I'm known as Chef Saltbaker around the Isles. Please, come visit my bakery when you get a chance."
"Yes, of course, I could come by tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it!"
Saltbaker rests his elbow on the counter and leans in a bit closer to you. "I'd love it if you'd try my latest recipe, my take on strawberry shortcake. I hope it will be to your liking..."
And with that, you're left alone with your thoughts at the farmstand. That Saltbaker, there was no way you were already falling for him, right? The brief interaction replayed over and over in your mind. Was he flirting with you? There's no way, right?
The next day passes by in a flash. Sure, you made a few mistakes here and there at work, angered a few customers with your aloofness, but it was no matter. You get to see him again! The moment you can escape, you rush on over to the bakery. Once you arrive in town, the smell of freshly baked goods immediately leads you to your destination. You can't help but smile when you hear the Chef's humming from outside. You take a deep breath, and step inside.
"Why, hello! You're just in time!" Saltbaker calls out from the kitchen. "Give me just one moment, won't you?
While you wait, you take in your surroundings. The bakery itself is a quaint little place, in stark contrast to the extravagant-looking pastries that sit in the glass display case. Even though it's your first visit, you feel very comfortable here.
"Please, come sit down," Saltbaker says as he pulls out a chair for you at a little table. You look on in awe as he places a platter of sweets before you. As promised, the strawberry shortcake is there, but it's only one of a wide assortment of treats, each appearing more delectable than the last. You take a bite of the shortcake, and it tastes as wonderful as it looks! The combined fruits of your labor have come together to create something truly divine - the fresh, slightly sour taste of the strawberries perfectly complements the cake's luscious flavor and texture.
"So, what do you think?", asks the Chef. "Gosh, this is amazing!" you exclaim, nearly drooling. Unable to resist, you dig into the rest of the goodies upon the platter. However, it takes you a bit too long to realize you've forgotten your manners. You look up from the sweets, blushing, and cover your mouth. To your surprise, Saltbaker beams at you, resting his face against his palm. "No, please, don't hold back. I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself!"
Once you've finished, you ask Saltbaker how you could possibly repay him for such a wonderful gift.
"Think nothing of it, dear, it was my treat. Just having you here is payment enough! Well, I do have an idea. I'd be honored if you could be my special taste tester from now on."
"Yes, please! The honor is all mine!"
You leave the bakery around sunset after chatting for a while, your belly full, you heart fuller. "Special taste tester", huh? You like the sound of that. You think back to that exquisite plate of sweets. "Gee, I hope he didn't work too hard on all that just for my sake." Little do you know, Saltbaker had spent the entire night before perfecting each pastry for you.
As the weeks go by, you have the privilege of being the first to taste Saltbaker's newest recipes. Your long, often arduous days working at the farm become much sweeter, knowing you get to spend time with your favorite chef.
One day, you come into the bakery after a particularly exhausting day. The crates seemed heavier than usual, the customers more demanding. You seat yourself at the table and rub your eyes.
"Rough day, hm?" Saltbaker asks. "Perceptive as always..." you playfully chide in response. "I can't help it, you're just so easy to read!" he chuckles. He comes over to you and places his hands on your shoulders. "Well, I hate to see you so upset. Would you like a massage? It could help with all that stress you're feeling." It already feels like your cheeks are burning from his touch. "Yes, please..."
The Chef begins to work on your shoulders. You feel yourself loosening up as he carefully disentangles the knots in your muscles. He's kneading your flesh as if it were dough. "My, you're blushing... You look like a little strawberry~" Saltbaker coos as he makes his way down your back. A soft moan escapes your mouth once he reaches a tender spot. As the Chef relieves the tension in your back, the tension between the two of you continues to build. Once he finishes up, you're amazed at how limber you feel.
"Thank you so much! I feel good as new!"
"Well, you know, these hands are good for far more than just making pastries..."
A few days pass, and someone comes to deliver you a package at work. It's a little white box, adorned with a ribbon of your favorite color. You open it to find a cake meticulously decorated with swirls of buttercream frosting, with a letter alongside it. The flowery penmanship is unmistakable; Saltbaker always puts such detail and care into everything he does.
"My little strawberry,
I'm so glad I came to the market on that day. Ever since then, you've inspired me to take my craft to new heights. Every recipe I create, each pastry I bake, all just to see that adorable smile on your face. When you walk into my bakery, it's the highlight of my day. The truth is, I long to have more of you. I see you as far more than my taste tester, far more than a friend. I hope you feel the same.
A long line of customers forms as you reread the letter over and over again. You feel sort of tingly, butterflies fluttering around in your chest. "Sorry folks, but I'm afraid I must close early today!" You're unfazed by the choir of groans behind you as you hurry towards the bakery. By the time you arrive, you are a panting, flustered mess.
"There you are!" the Chef cheers. Before you know it, you've been swept up into his embrace. He spins you around, the both of you giggling all the while. Saltbaker gives you a deep kiss, releasing all of his pent up passion for you. You look forward to the night you will inevitably spend together, and all of the days to follow.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I was told you could do chef saltbaker-
Will it be ok if I requested HC's of big sister cup! Reader who helps him with the community service after his defeat? Just them slowly bonding/developing feelings for each other? The reader is an adult btw, if that was concerning-
"You really shouldn't have underestimated my brothers."
"..wait, they’re your brothers??”
“Yep. And you just really ticked off their big sister.”
“Oh..” Saltbaker frowns as he’s lugging a minecart from Glumstone into town, while you carried a few bags of minerals yourself. The gnomes were nice enough to give you the lighter load.
You regularly volunteered for community service; you loved helping out the residents of Isle IV.
But then you met the disgraced chef, learning he forced your brothers to do his bidding..only to betray them and use the ingredients they risked their lives collecting against them both. All in an attempt to take one of their souls for a Wondertart to gain unfathomable power.
Now he was doing community service on a sentence. Though if it were up you, he’d be banished from all the isles.
Your harsh scoldings were worse than any of the labor he’s done. But he knows he deserves it after hurting so many people.
Regardless, you assisted him in the jobs he struggled with. You told him not to start calling you a “friend”. 
You might be a lady with a head of porcelain, but you’re tough as nails and don’t take crap from anybody who attacked your family.
As intimidated as he was, he admired your attitude and gained a crush (obviously he’s not gonna tell you that..lest he gets a parry slap).
For a while you remained cold towards him, and Saltbaker just did his usual work and listened to whatever you said. 
But as time goes on, you start to see he’s genuinely remorseful..and soften up around him.
The turning point is when you scold Esther for pranking him and making him spill food everywhere, before helping him clean the mess.
After that you two became friends, even helping him rebuild his bakery once his sentence is over and he’s released on good behavior--and during that time, that friendship developed into something more.
Fast-forward to you rushing to Cuphead and Mugman one sunny morning, telling them the bakery has officially reopened. And they follow you, nervous upon seeing Saltbaker.
Their jaws drop when you happily skip to him and kiss his glass cheek, calling him “sweetie”. They have a million questions. They thought you hated his guts.
But you reassured them he redeemed himself, and he apologizes to the cups for what he did, promising to change his ways.
Sure enough, he does by baking sweets for every residents and returning the ingredients to their rightful guardians.
He never thought he could show his face around here anymore.
But with you by his side, his life became a lot easier to rebuild. And he cherishes what he gained along the way <3
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